The 26 Traditional American Drumming Rudiments (With Roll Charts and R

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Model: 06620124

UPC: 884088276751

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The 26 “traditional” drumming rudiments are the foundation of American rudimental drumming. This collection of rudimental examples and roll charts will aid the learner in mastering the rudimental language. John S. Pratt's early works, now once again available, are an essential part of America's “traditional” drumming heritage. This new edition contains a new foreword and corrected music engravings, and also includes the classic solos “The Sons of Liberty” and “The All-American Emblem.”


Publisher: Hal Leonard
Publication Date: 06/2009
Credits: by John S. Pratt Foreword by Ben Hans
Medium: Softcover
Pages: 24
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: Percussion
ISBN: 1423464311

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