Amazing Phrasing - Trumpet: 50 Ways to Improve Your Improvisational Sk

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Amazing Phrasing is for any trumpet player interested in learning how to improvise and how to improve their creative phrasing. The 50 ideas are divided into three main sections: Harmony – explores scales, arpeggios, chord substitutions, harmonic embellishments, and other harmonic phrasing ideas; Rhythm – covers legato tonguing, swing feel, rhythmic displacement, how to manipulate time, and other aspects of rhythmic phrasing; Melody – discusses contour lines, making patterns musical, developing a motif, building a solo, and many other melodic phrasing ideas. The companion audio, accessed online for download or streaming, contains 26 demo tracks for listening, as well as many play-along examples so you can practice improvising over various musical styles and progressions. Also available for guitar, keyboard, and tenor saxophone.


Publisher: Hal Leonard
Publication Date: 08/2002
Credits: by Dennis Taylor & Steve Herrman
Medium: Softcover Audio Online
Pages: 104
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: Trumpet Instruction
Format: Book/Online Audio
ISBN: 0634047744

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