Within the Shadow of the Cross


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Model: 35026079

UPC: 747510015208

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Don Besig and Nancy Price create a moving allegory as a little child witnesses the crucifixion, but does not understand. He does not know Jesus, but feels tremendous grief and loss at the death of this “stranger.” Scientists and philosophers have said that children frequently understand what adults cannot, and “Within the Shadow of the Cross” the little boy discovers that God is there; God IS. If we, as adults could only perceive that we are children of God, and that God IS.


Publisher: Shawnee Press
Publisher Code: D5384
Publication Date: 12/1987
Credits: Nancy Price/Don Besig
Pages: 12
Length: 10.50 in.
Width: 6.75 in.
Series: Shawnee Press
Format: SAB
Voicing: SAB