Pictures of Childhood - Children's Album, Book 1 (Piano Solo)


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Model: 50484189

UPC: 073999223323

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This volume contains 10 works, including all eight pieces previously published as “Adventures of Ivan.”

Contents include: Andantino (Ivan Sings), No Walk Today (Ivan Can't Go Out Today), Lyado is Seriously Ill (Ivan is Ill), Birthday (Ivan Goes to a Party), Study (Ivan is Very Busy), Musical Picture (Ivan and Natasha), Cavalry (Ivan's Hobbyhorse), Invention, In Folk-Style (A Tale of Strange Lands), and Fugue.


Publisher: Sikorski
Publisher Code: SIK2144
Publication Date: 02/2002
Pages: 31
Length: 11.75 in.
Width: 8.25 in.
Series: Piano
Voicing: Piano