Panda Chant II


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Model: 48004816

UPC: 073999242317

List $2.95
Price $2.66
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A companion CD of Astronaut Anthem and Panda Chant II as performed by Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble, is available for sale (48005858). As an aid in learning the foot and hand movements, a videotape of a performance of Panda Chant II is also available for sale (48005860).


Publisher: Boosey & Hawkes
Publisher Code: M051471362
Publication Date: 06/2004
Credits: Monk
Pages: 12
Length: 10.50 in.
Width: 6.75 in.
Series: BH Secular Choral
Format: SATB a cappella
Voicing: SATB a cappella